I’m a mom, not a friend

30 04 2010

I struggle to recall what it was like to be a kid and how friendships might have been more important than life itself back then.  I don’t remember feeling that way though.  I had good friends and kinda friends and best friends and while we had our disagreements here and there, they were a relatively positive bunch.  In hindsight, I was probably the worst of the group and even then I wasn’t that bad.  I smoked and cussed, that was about my only shortcoming that I can recall.  I do know I was always careful about the extremes of my bickerings, primarily because after having it out with one good friend over some menial matter, within a year she was dead after her ex-boyfriend had broken into her home and shot her.  We were high school age.  Pity.  Amy was a good girl.   Read the rest of this entry »

JCAHO Regulations

23 04 2010

One could almost say that the purpose for the organization known as JCAHO began with the first error made by a medical provider on a patient and its creation was first practiced in a hospital founded by Dr. Ernest Codman in the early 1900s.  Dr. Codman was employed as a surgeon and continuously and vocally pushed for a cause and effect report on all treatments used on patients and became an outcast through his antics; Read the rest of this entry »

History and Progress of HIV/AIDs

14 04 2010

In November of 1980, a researcher for the University of California at Los Angeles, Michael Gottlieb, was searching for patients with immune deficiencies to use in his testing of a possible method for counting T-cells.  He found three patients who each suffered from yeast infections initially as well as persistent pneumonia.  All three had a low count of T-cells in his tests.  By April of 1981, he decided that they may have a unknown syndrome and he contacted the health department to seek out similar patients.  Within a month he found two more with identical symptoms.  Another similarity was that they were all male homosexuals who admitted to using drugs recreationally.  On June 5, 1981, Gottlieb published a report on his findings and this was the beginning of the research into AIDS Read the rest of this entry »

Pediatric and geriatric patient interaction

10 04 2010

In my experience of taking both elderly and youth to doctor’s visits, I believe there is a similar approach applied to both – that they are less competent and capable of explaining their issues and understanding the questions posed them.  I also believe from that same experience that this approach is not always appropriate.   Read the rest of this entry »

Informed Consent

10 04 2010

The idea for informed consent resulted from the war crimes committed by many Nazi doctors during the Second World War that were justified at the time as medically relevant experiments on human subjects.  “Those involved in horrible crimes attempted to excuse themselves by arguing that there were no explicit rules governing medical research on human beings in Germany during the period” Read the rest of this entry »